1.Published a paper titled "Introduction to Origin of Hmar tribe“ in International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies (IJRAS) Volume 6(9),Pg59-63,ISSN=2394-4404,September 2019
2.Published chapter titled "Brief Introspection of the Hmar Tribe with special reference to Growth and Development of Culture and Literature: A Study in a book titled "Exploring Local History and Folk Culture of North East India" in February 2021,ISBN987-81-86865-09-5
3.Published a paper titled "Traditional Institutions of the Hmar tribe in North East India" in Kanchioli, Volume 1.Issue1,June2021,ISSN:2583-0740
4. Published a chapter titled "Cholera Pandemic of 1817 and effects in North-East India" in Epidemics and Pandemics in INDIA 1817-2021:
The Northeast scenario, first edition ,2022, ISBN:978-93-93881-31-1
1.Presented a paper entitled "Women Education and its opportunities in National perspective of India : A study in International seminar on Gender and Development Global Perspective" organised by Gossaigoan College held on 26th to 28th August 2019
2.Presented a paper entitled "Oral Traditions:A study on selected Folktales of Mizo and Hmar Tribes" in the ICHR sponsored National seminar on "Trends and Prospects of History from Oral and Folk Traditions in North East India organised by Sankardeva Mahavidyalaya, Pathalipahar on 19th and 20thFebruary 2021
3.Presented a paper entitled "Potentiality and Prospects of Tourism Development in Bodoland Territorial Region " in the ICHR sponsored National Seminar on Tourism in North East India:Prospects and Challenges organised by Harhi College on the 8th and 9th October 2021
1.Successfully completed the Orientation Course organized by Ramanujan College, University of Delhi, from 4th June 2020 to 1st July 202
2.Successfully completed a 2-week Faculty Development Programme on Managing Online Classes and Co-creating MOOCs 3.0 from July 25 - August 10, 2020
3.Successfully completed the Orientation Course organized by Ramanujan College, University of Delhi, from May 18 -17 June 2021.
4.Successfully completed a one-week Faculty Development Programme on Advanced Pedagogical Techniques from 13-19 September 2021, organized by Ramanujan College, University of Delhi, in collaboration with Lakhimpur Girls' College.