Research Interest: • Educational Psychology
• International Relationships
• Comparative Education
Specialized Courses: European History, Inclusive Education
Article ‘Teachers Efficiency Change for a Sustainable Future’, published in ‘Shodh Sarita’, Vol, 8. Issue No. 29, 135-39. ISSN: 2348 2397.
Paper ‘Skilling youth for better India’, published in ‘Vala Sarovar’ quarterly Journal. ISSN: 0975-4520.
Book Chapter ‘Dr. Radhakrishnan as a spiritualist’ published in book- ‘Relevance of thoughts and ideas of Dr Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan to 21st century’, ISBN: 978-81-937874-7-2 in published by Sapekhati College in 2019.
Book Chapter ‘National education policy 2020, pros and cons of India’s new policy on Education’ published in book ‘National Education Policy 2020’, ISBN: 978-93-82606-93-2 published by IGNOU, N. Delhi in 2020.
Book Chapter ‘Women from Assam in 21st century and the context of socio-economic development, 2020, published in the book ‘Prosphutito Naari’, ISBN: 978-81-939507-7-7 published by ACTA, Lakhimpur Zone in 2020.
Paper entitled 'Challenges to Human Rights in North-East India' presented in National seminar organised by Lakhimpur Girls’ College on 3rd & 4th February 2017.
Paper entitled ‘Challenges of Sattriya Culture as unifying forces in the North-East Indian, trends and factors' presented in ICSSR sponsored National Seminar on ‘Ethnic and insurgency clashes in threat for peace and Harmony in North East, Indian’ organised by Subansiri College, 5th & 6th October 2018.
Paper entitled 'Comparative literature for changing social-cultural scenario in North-East India Problems and Prospects' presented in ICSSR sponsored National seminar organised by Subansiri College, on 8th & 9th Feb 2019.
Paper entitled ‘Skill entrepreneurship and job creation’ presented in National seminar organised by Department of Adult continuing education and extension and department of Education, Manipur University on 7th & 8th March 2019.
Paper entitled ‘environmental issues and role of education’ presented in ICSSR sponsored National seminar organised by Manipur University, on 25th & 26th April 2019.
Paper entitled ‘Teachers effecting change for a sustainable future’ presented in Education and ‘National Conference of learning, 2019’ sponsored by National Council of Teacher Education, New Delhi, on 6th & 7th December 2019
Paper entitled ‘Role of digital technology- in achieving sustainable development goals’ presented in National seminar of Sustainable education, Millennium 2030 organised by DHE Haryana on 22nd December 2019.
Participated in the workshop of ‘Mukhya Mantri Gyan Jyoti Asom’ from 24th to 27th Sept 2020.
Paper entitled ‘Gender and Economy’ presented in National conference of learning 2021, 'Gender and Education' organised by Irwin College, the University of Delhi on 26th November 2021.
Member of Professional Agencies
Member of Vivekananda Kendra
Member of the board of studies, North Lakhimpur College (Autonomous) from 2021 onwards.
Details of Refresher/ Orientation Course:
Two days Orientation Programme for NSS programme officer, National Service Scheme (NSS) on 18th & 19th May 2017.
M.H.R.D sponsored Short term programme on 'Developing Teaching Competencies of Teachers in Higher Education from 2nd to 4th December 2017.
UGC sponsored Refresher Course organised by Human Resource Development Centre of Jawaharlal Nehru University from 12th November 2018 to 7th December 2018.
Five day National Workshop on ‘Statistical data analysis in social service research’ organised by Department of Adult and Continuing Education and Department of Education, Manipur University, 2019 from 11th to 15th March 2019.
UGC sponsored a short term course on 'Educational Technology’ held from 27th to 2nd February 2020.