1. 2018-2020:
Project Title : A study of the role of microorganisms (viz. Anaerobic metal-reducing bacteria) in the mobilization of arsenic and iron in groundwater of Lakhimpur district of Assam by using foldscope device
Funding Agency : Ministry of Science and Technology, Department of
Sanction No : BT/IN/Indo-US/Foldscope/39/2015, dated 20.03.2018
Amount Sanctioned : Rs. 8, 00, 000/-
2. 2016-2018:
Project Title : Evaluation and locally available Remedial Measures of Arsenic Poisoning in Drinking water sources in Dhemaji District of Assam
Funding Agency : University Grant Commission (UGC-NERO)
Sanction No : F. 5-158/2015-16 (MRP/NERO)/ 418, Dated: 23rd November, 2016
Amount Sanctioned : Rs. 3, 35, 000/-
3. 2012-2013:
Project Title : A study on heavy metal contamination of groundwater in Dhemaji district, Assam by using GIS
Funding Agency : University Grant Commission (UGC-NERO)
Sanction No : F. 5-511/2011-12 (MRP/NERO)/ 15292, Dated: 23rd March, 2012
Amount Sanctioned : Rs. 1, 85, 000/-
4. 2009-2010:
Project Title : Quality assessment of groundwater in Dhemaji district of
Assam with special reference to arsenic.
Funding Agency : University Grant Commission (UGC-NERO)
Sanction No : No.F.5-314/2008-09 (MRP/NERO)/2776, Dated: 31th March 2009
Amount Sanctioned : Rs. 1, 70, 000/-
1. March 2020: “The Foldscope- AnInnovative Educational Cum ResearchTool: A Study on Arsenic ResistantBacteria”; ISBN: 978-620-2-55765-8
published by LAP LAMBERT Academic publishing Dentschland, Germany-66121
2. September 2015: “Ground water heavy metal contamination”; ISBN: 978-3-659-80021-4, published by LAP LAMBERT Academic publishing
Dentschland, Germany-66121
3. March 2014: “Concise B. Sc. Chemistry (Vol-II)”; ISBN: 978-81-925209-1-9, published by GigaByte publication, North Lakhimpur, Assam
4. March 2014: “Under Graduate Environmental Studies”; ISBN: 978-81-925209-2-6, published by GigaByte publication, North Lakhimpur, Assam
1. Orientation Programme:
Organizing Institution : UGC, Academic Staff College, Burdwan University
Duration : 4th -- 31st December, 2009
2. Refresher Course-I:
Theme : Research Methodology (I/D)
Organizing Institution : UGC, Academic Staff College, Gauhati University,
Duration : 1st -- 21st December, 2010
3. Refresher Course-II:
Theme : Diserster Management & Environmental Studies (I/D) Organizing Institution : UGC, Academic Staff College, Gauhati University,
Duration : 8th – 28th June, 2015
4. Short Term Course-I:
Theme : Gender Sensitisation
Organizing Institution : UGC, HRDC, Gauhati University,
Duration : 4th – 10th January, 2018
5. Short Term Course-II:
Theme : Value Education
Organizing Institution : UGC, HRDC, Gauhati University,
Duration : 15th – 21st November, 2019
1. Gohain M, Buragohain M and Saikia D (2022): “Estimation of drinking water quality parameters in different water sources of North Lakhimpur town, Assam, India”; Pollution Research; ISSN: 0257-8050; 41 (1); pp.125-133
2. Goswami S. R, Saikia B. J, Goswami A, Devsarma A. J, Hassan Y and Buragohain M (2022): “Evaluation of Heavy metals contamination in suspended sediments of Dikrong river, Assam, India”; Eco.Env &Cons; ISSN: 0971–765X; 28 (February Suppl. Issue); pp. S307-S314
3. Bora, J. K., Hassan, Y. and Buragohain, M. (2021): “Analysis of potential physico chemical water quality parameters of Elengena Beel, Jagiroad,
Morigaon, Assam” DOI: 10.37896/YMER20.10/12; YMER Digital - ISSN:0044-0477; Volume-20; Issue- 10 pp. 100-106
http://ymerdigital.com; file:///C:/Users/user/Downloads/YMER221035 (1).pdf
4. Pegu B. K, Kardong D, Chutia J, Gogoi D. K, and Buragohain M (2021): “Microbial Naringinase and its Applications in Debittering Technology –A Mini Review Applications of Microbial Naringinase” ISSN: 2321-4007; Biosc.Biotech.Res.Comm. 14 (2); pp. 459- 464; DOI:10.21786/bbrc/14.2.7;
5. Hassan Y, Buragohain M, Sarmah Bezboruah M and Buragohain I, (2021): “Assessment of Arsenic and Fluoride Content in Different Drinking Water Sources of Secondary Schools in Greater Guwahati of Assam, India”; Pollution Research; ISSN-0257-8050: 40(1); pp. 211-216
http://www.envirobiotechjournals.com/PR/v40i121/Poll Res-35.pdf
6. Buragohain M, Kakoti N andBuragohain I (2020):“Utility of Foldscope in Microbiological Research: a study in Groundwater samples in Lakhimpur district of Assam, India”; Eco. Env &Cons; ISSN: 0971–765X; 27(2); pp. 258-262
7. Kakoti N, Buragohain M, and Buragohain I (2020):“Utility of Foldscope in Promoting Scientific Temper by Igniting the Mind: A Study Among Rural and Urban Senior Secondary School Learners” Biosc.Biotech.Res.Comm; ISSN: 2321-4007;13(4); pp. 2064-2071
http://dx.doi.org/10.21786/bbrc/13.4/64; https://bit.ly/392wCUQ
8. Pegu B. K, Buragohain M, Kakoti N, Sarmah P, and Das S (2020): “Isolation and Molecular Characterization of Arsenic Resistant Bacteria from Brahmaputra River Basin of Assam, India”; Biosc.Biotech.Res.Comm; ISSN: 2321-4007;13 (3) ; pp. 1502-1509
9. Buragohain M, Kakoti N, Mahanta S.R, Sarmah P, Pegu B. K andDutta M.P (2020): “Spatial Assessment of Arsenic and Iron Content in Water Sources of Lakhimpur District, Assam, India”; Pollution Research; ISSN-0257-8050: 39(3); pp. 769-777
http://www.envirobiotechjournals.com/PR/vol39i32020/Poll Res-36.pdf
10. Kakoti N, Buragohain M, Sarmah P, Pegu B. K (2020):“Arsenic Resistance Bacteria in Groundwater: A Review”;International Research Journal of Biological Sciences; ISSN 2278-3202; 9(1), pp. 47-49, February 2020
11. Pegu B. K, Buragohain M, Kakoti N, Sarmah P, Mahanta S.R and Sharma M (2019): “Isolation and characterization of the arsenic resistant bacteria from ground water of Lakhimpur district”; Asian Jr. of Microbiol. Biotech. Env. Sc.; ISSN-0972-3005: 21 (November Suppl. Issue): pp. S94-S100
12. Buragohain M, Kakoti N, Sarmah P, Pegu B. K (2019):“Foldscope as a diagnostic tool: A case study in Lakhimpur district of Assam”; Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences; E- ISSN: 2249 –1929; 9(2); pp.173-179
13. Buragohain M, Kakoti N, Sarmah P, Pegu B. K (2019):“Foldscopic and Microscopic view of bacteria:A comparative study in water samples of Lakhimpur district, Assam (India)”; International Journal of Advanced and Innovative Research; E- ISSN: 2278-7844; 8 (3); pp. 1-3
14. Buragohain M, Kakoti N, Sarmah P, Pegu B. K Mahanta S.R, and Hassan Y (2018):“Assessment of physico-chemical characteristics of water samples in Lakhimpur district (Assam), India”;Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences; E- ISSN: 2249 –1929; 9 (1); pp. 81-91
15. Buragohain M (2018):“Groundwater Arsenic Contamination in Brahmaputra River Basin: A GIS Based Water Quality Assessment with Seasonal Variation in Dhemaji (Assam), India”;Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences; E- ISSN: 2249 –1929; 8(3); pp. 225-235
16. Buragohain M (2018): “Groundwater Fluoride Contamination in Brahmaputra River Basin of Assam, India: A GIS Based Case Study in Dhemaji”;Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences; E- ISSN: 2249 –1929; 8 (2); pp.101-112
17. Buragohain M and Sarma H. P (2013):“A GIS Based Assessment of Lead, Arsenic, Cadmium and Aluminium Contamination of Ground Water in Dhemaji District of Assam, India”; International Journal of Research in Chemistry and Environment (IJRCE), E-ISSN 2248 –9649; 3 (4); pp.1-7
18. Buragohain M and Sarma H. P (2013):“GIS-Based Study on Ground Water Trace Metals Contamination in Dhemaji District of Assam, India”; Journal of Current Chemical & Pharmaceutical Sciences (JCCPS); ISSN 2277-2871; 3(3), pp. 187-195
19. Buragohain M, Hassan Y and Sarma H. P (2013):“Distribution of trace metals in storm water runoff in the industrial areas of greater Guwahati of Assam, India”; Journal of Current Chemical & Pharmaceutical Sciences (JCCPS);ISSN 2277-2871; 3(2), pp. 161-167
20. Hassan Y, Buragohain M and Sarma H. P (2012):“Evalution of Road Run-off water Quality in the Industrial areas of Greater Guwahati of Assam with respect to Major Anions”;Journal of Chemical Biological and Physical Sciences ; E- ISSN: 2249 –1929, 2( 4); pp.2129-2134
21. Buragohain M and Sarma H. P (2012):“A study on spatial distribution of arsenic in ground water samples of Dhemaji district of Assam, India by using arc view GIS-software”; Scientific Reviews & Chemical Communications; ISSN 2277-2669;2(1), pp. 7-11
22. Buragohain M, Bhuyan B and Sarma H. P (2010):“Distribution of water quality parameters in Dhemaji district, Assam, India”;Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering; ISSN: 0367- 827 X; 52(3), pp.241-244
23. Buragohain M, Bhuyan B and Sarma H. P (2010):“Seasonal variations of lead, arsenic, cadmium and aluminium contamination of groundwater in Dhemaji district, Assam, India”;Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Springer,pp. 345-351
24. Buragohain M, Bhuyan B and Sarma H. P (2009):“Seasonal distribution of trace metals in groundwater of Dhemaji district, Assam, India”;International Journal of Chem. Tech Research; ISSN: 0974-4290; 1(4), pp.1014-1021
25. Chutia J, Buragohain M and Sarma S. P (2009):“A Study onthe Quality of Drinking Water in the Dhakuakhana Sub-Division of Lakhimpur District, Assam, India”;International Journal of Chemical Sciences, ISSN: 0972-768 X; 7(2), pp.1143-1152
26. Buragohain M, Bhuyan B and Sarma H. P (2008):“Fluoride, arsenic and iron in groundwater in Dhemaji district, Assam”;Enviro Spectra, Journal of the Society for Environmental Protection, Education and Research (SEPER); 3(1), pp.6-15
27. Buragohain M, Bhuyan B and Sarma H. P (2007):“Fluoride Distribution in Ground Water Samples in Different Locality of Dhemaji District, Assam”;International Journal of Chemical Sciences; ISSN: 0972-768 X; 5(3), pp.1198-1204
28. Buragohain M, Bhuyan B and Sarma H. P (2007):“Drinking Water Quality with respect to Fluoride, Nitrate, Arsenic and Iron Content in Dhemaji District, Assam”;Ecology Environment & Conservation; ISSN: 0971-765 X; 13(4), pp.795-798
1. Kakoti N, Buragohain M, Sarmah P and Pegu B.K (2020): “The Foldscope: An Innovative Technology of Teaching”; International E-Conference on “Foldscope and its applications” organized by Lyallpur Khalsa College, Jalandhar, on 20th – 21st June, 2020, abstract published in ‘E-Book of Abstracts’, p.12
2. Buragohain M and Hassan Y (2019): “Water quality monitoring through Foldscope device: A study in water samples of Lakhimpur District, Assam” National Seminar on “Bio-Exploration for Human Welfare: An integrative Approach”; organized by Faculty of Science, Assam Down TownUniversity, Guwahati, Assam; on 8th - 9th November, 2019, abstract published in ‘Book of Abstracts’, pp.49-50
3. Buragohain M, Pegu B.K, Kakoti N, Sarmah P, Mahanta S.R, Kardong D, Sharma M and Gogoi D (2019): “Studies on Arsenic resistance bacteria from water samples of Lakhimpur District, Assam, India”; International Seminar cum Workshop on “Oil & Gas” organized jointly by Dibrugarh university, Edinburgh University (UK) and Louisiana University, Lafayette (USA), in Dibrugarh University, on 7th - 8th April, 2019, abstract published in ‘Book of Abstracts’, p.28
4. Mahanta S.R, Hassan Y, Buragohain M, Kakoti N, Sarmah P and Pegu B. K (2019): “Flame Photometric Analysis of Sodium and Potassium in Ground water samples of Lakhimpur District, Assam, India”; ASTEC sponsored Regional Seminar on “Science for Sustainable Development”organized by B. Borooah College, Guwahati, on 9th January, 2019, abstract published in ‘Book of Abstracts’, p.36
5. Buragohain M (2016):“Groundwater Heavy Metal Contamination: A Study in Dhemaji district of Assamby Using Arc View GIS-Software”; MOWR, RD & GR, Govt of India, New Delhi sponsored NationalGround Water Conference on“Water Conservation, Water Security, Water Quality, Climate Change & Best Practices” organized byCentral Ground Water Board, North East Region, Guwahati, on 22nd March, 2016, abstract published in ‘Book of Abstracts’, p.68
6. Buragohain M (2013):“Quality Assessment of Groundwaterin Dhemaji district of Assam with special mention to heavy metals”;UNICEF sponsored NationalWorkshop on “Water Quality in Assam: Status, Strategies and Technologies”organized by WSSO, PHED Assam, Betkuchi, Guwahati, on 12th -13th Dec. 2013
7. Buragohain M, Bhuyan B and Sarma H. P (2011):“A study on Arsenic contamination of Groundwaterin Dhemaji district of Assam by using GIS”; DST sponsored National Workshop on ‘Integrated Arsenic and Iron Removal from Groundwater: Arsiron Nilogon’; organized byTezpur University, on 25th June, 2011, abstract published in ‘Book of Abstracts’, p.62
8. Buragohain M, Bhuyan B and Sarma H. P (2009):“Quality Assessment of Groundwaterin Dhemaji District of Assam with special reference to Arsenic”, UGC sponsored National Seminar on ‘Menace of population pressure and its impact on environment and economy’, 23rd - 24th September, 2009, abstract published in ‘Book of Abstracts’
9. Buragohain M, Bhuyan B and Sarma H. P (2009):“Correlation between drinking water quality and health status in Dhemaji district, Assam, India”, “96th National Science Congress” organized byNEHU, Shillong on 3rd – 7th January 2009, abstract published in ‘Book of Abstracts’, p.102
10. Buragohain M, Bhuyan B and Sarma H. P (2008): “Status of water borne diseases in the rural areas of Dhemaji district, Assam”, Ministry of Panchayati Raj (Govt. of India) sponsored National Seminar, ‘Role of panchayati raj institutions in village level planning and rural development’, organized by North Lakhimpur College, on 24th - 25th Nov. 2008, abstract published in ‘Book of Abstracts’, p.17
11. Buragohain M, Bhuyan B and Sarma H. P (2008): “Present Status of Drinking Water Quality in Relation to Health Hazard in Dhemaji District, Assam”, UGC sponsored National Seminar on ‘Recent aspects in environmental sciences’, organized by Lakhimpur Girls’ College, on 12th - 13th September, 2008, abstract published in ‘Book of Abstracts’ p.13-14
12. Buragohain M, Bhuyan B and Sarma H. P (2007):“Inspection of ground water quality with respect to iron content in some villages of Dhemaji district, Assam”, UGC sponsored National Seminar on ‘Environment, Development and Human Rights’, organized by OPD College, Panigon, on 24th -25th August, 2007, abstract published in ‘Book of Abstracts’ p. 80.
13. Buragohain M, Bhuyan B and Sarma H. P (2007):“Arsenic Content In Ground Water Samples In Different Locations of Dhemaji District, Assam, India”, UGC sponsored National Seminar on ‘Environment: Problems and Panacea’, organized by K.R.B. Girls’ College, Guwahati, 30th - 31st January, 2007, abstract published in ‘Book of Abstracts’
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